Refund Policy

Refund Process

Please contact customer service at indicating the item you are returning and the reason for your refund. Upon doing so, we will reply within 24 hours. For damaged or defective products, we at Johnny Marine require pictures or videos of the defective or damaged items to process the return or refund.

Once the return request is approved, we will provide you with a shipping label. Please attach the label and send the package to the designated location. Unauthorized return items will not be accepted and sent back.

The items to be returned must be packaged together with the original packaging, and all the included accessories must be placed together in the package as well.
We will process the refund to your original payment method within 5 business days after receiving the package.

Non Returnable Items

Products damaged due to negligence.
Products damaged due to unauthorized modification of products.
Products damaged by natural disasters.
Products damaged due to non-compliance with user manuals.
Products damaged due to natural wear and tear on worn parts such as belts and blades.
Products damaged due to use in non product design environments.
Stolen or lost products.

Returnable Items

Products that cover defects in materials used for manufacturing products.
Products that cover process defects under normal use.
Products that cover components that are damaged during normal use.

Free Returns

At Johnny Marine, we pride ourselves on excellent customer service and one of the many ways we offer that is by providing free returns to all our customers.

  • Various Return Situations

    Damaged Upon Receipt
    Once we confirm the damage, you have the option to repair the product or return it for replacement at no additional cost. We will have our technical support team provide repair services. If you prefer to repair the product through a third-party service provider, you must first obtain authorization from Johnny Marine.
    Incorrect Quantity of Products
    If you receive an incorrect quantity of the product, please contact  Johnny Marine and provide the order number and product picture, as well as the quantity of the product received. If we confirm that the quantity of product shipped is incorrect, we will send the missing product to you free of charge.
    Missing Parts
    When you receive the product, please make sure that all parts on the packing list are included. If you find any discrepancies, contact us and provide the missing parts in the packaging. Upon doing so, we will send the missing parts to you free of charge.
    Defective Products
    If any of our products do not work properly, please contact  Johnny Marine customer service for technical support. If we determine that the product is defective and beyond repair, you may choose to replace or return the product free of charge and receive a full refund.
     Johnny Marine will confirm receipt of the returned goods within 5 days and inform you whether the goods meet the return conditions. After receiving the returned product, it typically takes up to 5 business days (longer on weekends or holidays) to issue a refund. Once the refund is processed, you will receive an email with the refund amount and refund ID. In general, the refund will be paid back to your original payment method. The refund will be credited to your original payment method, and the specific timing will depend on the bank’s processing time.

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